Zara Ramsay

Title: Repartrite

Year: 2024

Media: Stainless steel woven wire mesh, aluminium

Size: 10.5 x 32 x 13 cm

About the work: Balance, beauty, light. All are here. All are what we need right now.

Bio: Zara Ramsay is a mixed media artist living and working in London. She gained her BA in Fine Art from Central Saint Martins in 2016 and has since continued independent study alongside her practice. This year, Ramsay received Arts Council funding, undertaking a paper residency in the United States and a foundational course in building with bamboo. In 2022/3 she received the Gilbert Bayes Award with the Royal Society of Sculptors and is now a permanent member. Most recent exhibitions include Drawing Biennale (2024), Cure3 (2023), Gilbert Bayes Award Exhibition (2023). Her work is held in private collections.