Tatty Devine
Title: Contraceptive Pill Packet Brooch
Media: Laser cut in pearlescent acrylic and etched and hand-inked, with crystals
Size: 6 x 6 x 1 cm
About the work: Part of a collection that celebrates time travel, this is an ode to the revolutionary Contraceptive Pill and its ground-breaking introduction to the UK in the 1960s and the difference it made to womens lives.
Bio: Tatty Devine was Established in 1999 in East London by founders Harriet Vine MBE and Rosie Wolfenden MBE - their jewellery soon achieved a cult following with fans still standing with us 25 years later. They have worked with Artists such as Gilbert and George, Frida Kahlo, Jeremy Deller, and Grayson Perry and have worked with Tate and the V&A.