Sara Naim
Title: Syrian Border Flowers 1
Year: 2024
Media: Giclée Print, Mild Steel, Epoxy Resin, Flowers, Unique work
Size: 20 x 15 x 1.5 cm
About the work: Flowers collected from the artist's family farm along the Lebanon/Syria border are submerged in resin, along with images of flowers that were blooming in Syria at the time of making the work. Here, Naim explores the parallel between human migration and plant migration in there need to adapt, evolve and create diasporic communities.
Bio: Sara Naim is a Syrian visual artist based in London. She uses sculptural photography and video to explore perception, and how it can shift through experiencing polarities. She received her MFA Fine Art Media from The Slade School of Fine Art (2014), and Bachelors in Photography from London College of Communication (2010).