Rosie Snell
Title: Puzzle Wood
Year: 2024
Media: Watercolour and Pencil on paper
Size: 30 x 30 cm
About the work: Once temperate rainforest covered up to one fifth of Britain, now only fragments remain. These forests are rarer than tropical rainforests covering just 1 percent of the worlds surface. Puzzle wood is one of Britain’s most celebrated temperate rainforests and it is home to globally significant populations of rare lichens and mosses which are useful for soaking up carbon, making them one of our best allies in the fight against our current climate crisis.
Bio: Rosie Snell was born in 1971. She completed her Masters in 1995 in Norwich and then moved to London in 1997 to take up a residency with the Florence Trust Studios. She quickly establishing her work with The Paton Gallery and had her first solo show that year. Her work was published by Saatchi the following year. Her research has since taken her to Greenland, Germany, Switzerland and numerous UK locations. Her work is featured in many collections and publications. She now lives and works in Oxfordshire and is a Senior Lecturer at Bath Spa University.