Richard Lockett
Title: Tendrils
Media: Colour pencil and watercolour
Size: 14.5 x 21 cm
About the work: This piece is an automatic drawing, the points of the coloured pencil begin the unfurling across the paper surface.
Bio: 1983 London. I am a multidisciplinary artist working across various media including drawing, photography, digital, video, collage and sound/music. This varied production often comes together as installation. The works attempt to record sensorial experiences in a sculptural and spatial manner. Areas of interest include the arrangement, potentiality and psychology of interior spaces; neurodivergence through recording and drawing/mark making; mapping as aesthetic tool for finding different neural connections between subject and objects.
Recent solo and group exhibitions and projects include: Flatland Artist Writers Forum, Flatland Projects, Bexhill on Sea, 2024; The Quiet Map Project workshops in collaboration with WalthamScribe at William Morris Gallery London 2024; Personnel, Classwaroom, London 2022; MELTDOWN, Ridley Road Project Space, London 2022, Have you seen the vistas from the top of Beckton Alps?, Art in the Docks, London 2021; No Appointment Necessary, LUNGLEY, London 2020; Rubbermaids, Royal Academy of Arts, London 2019; ,they were sitting kind of far apart, it was supposed to be intimate, Marian Cramer Projects, Amsterdam 2018; 3 Bedroom Maisonette, Urbanek, London 2018; Ficus Elastica, GSL Projekt, Berlin 2017; Flatscreen, Lima Zulu, London 2017.