Natasha Rees
Title: Fire drawing/drawing fire (cinder)
Year: 2008
Media: Colour wash, colour pencil, graphite on paper on archival substrate mount.
Size: 29.7 x 21 x 0.6 cm
About the work: This series (“Fire drawing/drawing fire”) (made in 2008) appropriated images from news media depicting fire events (rituals, riots, wars, natural disasters, stunts etc). The graphite coverage on each piece obfuscated all details contextualising each event, thus homogenising the image, removing any potencies. 24 pieces were made at the time to correspond with the 24 frames per second of tv video footage.
Bio: Natasha Rees is an artist and writer based in London. Shows have included: Studio Voltaire 2008, Studio 44, Stockholm 2010, Vitrine 2010/12/20, Whitechapel, 2011, Dicksmith 2008, Dilston Grove 2012,The Woodmill 2009/10/11 et al. Founded self published journal, [The] Evidence in 2007. Currently runs CLASSWAROOM project space in Stratford working with artists at a pivotal development point in their practice to exhibit new work and produce a publication marking the project. Works part time for Art Monthly magazine.