Mike Nelson RA
Title: Quiver (Glove, New York)
Year: 2010
Media: Etching, edition of 25 (artist proof)
Size: 19.5 x 24 cm
About the work: Print of a right hand glove used by Mike Nelson to make the installation Quiver of Arrows, 2010. Made by pressing the glove directly onto a plate which was then acid etched.
Bio: Born in Loughborough (UK) in 1967, Mike Nelson lives and works in London. His work has centred on the transformation of narrative structure to spatial structure, and on the objects placed within them, immersing the viewer and agitating their perception of these environments. Nelson represented Britain at the Venice Biennale in 2011 and has twice been nominated for the Turner Prize (2001 & 2007). His critically-acclaimed survey show, Extinction Beckons, at Hayward Gallery (2023) included sculptural works and new versions of key large-scale installations from the 1990s onwards.