Michael Sandle RA
Title: Study for "Angel of Death From the Air"
Year: 2024
Media: Ink , charcoal and conté crayon
Size: 42 x 29.7 x 2 cm
About the work: Having experienced the Blitz on Plymouth during WW2 as a child I have thought a great deal about Aerial Warfare throughout my adult life and continue to be affected by the murderous obscenity of the indisriminate bombing of Civilians . Combined with what is now happening in Gaza my views have hardened. This is what this work is about.
Bio: Born in1936 I started off my career first as a painter and printmaker and became a so called "Abstract" sculptor but after moving away from the UK in the early 1970s my work became more cleary figurative. This was triggered by my being mixed up in a student riot in the Berkeley Campus UC against Nixon expanding the Vietnam War .Someone had to do a sculpture about Vietnam and i realised it was going to be me. I discovered that it wasn't the US or the French that were originally responsible for this ugly war but that it had been started by the British in 1945 - look it up ! So my views on the horror ,pornography and stupidity of war widened and has been a subject of my work ever since.