Matthew Krishanu
Title: Boy and Rocks
Year: 2024
Media: Oil on paper
Size: 29.7 x 42 cm
About the work: Boy and Rocks is part of Matthew Krishanu’s Another Country series and was painted with Palestine in mind.
Bio: Matthew Krishanu’s paintings explore topics including childhood, race, religion, grief, and the legacies of empire. Recent solo shows include: The Bough Breaks, Camden Art Centre, London (2024); Immerse, Tanya Leighton, LA (2024); On a Limb, Jhaveri Contemporary, Mumbai (2023); Playground, Niru Ratnam, London (2022). Group exhibitions include: Life Is More Important Than Art, Whitechapel Gallery, London (2023); Dhaka Art Summit, Dhaka (2023); Mixing It Up: Painting Today, Hayward Gallery, London (2021). Public collections include: Arts Council Collection, London; Government Art Collection (UK); Kiran Nadar Museum of Art, Delhi.