Mariele Neudecker


Year: 2024

Media: A/P (Edition 35)

Size: 20.7 x 28.2 x 0.2 cm

About the work: This print is an image taken from a tank installation titled: Nothing Will Stay the Same from 2019. The tank work itself is based on the painting by by William Bradford called  ‘Scene in the Arctic’ ca.1880.

I produced the work for this year's RA Summer Exhibitions. 

 Bio: Mariele Neudecker was born in Germany, where she studied as well as in Cork, Ireland and London, UK. She now lives and works in Bristol.

In her work Neudecker is exploring the interphases and overlaps of the two and three-dimensional, as well as analogue and digital. She uses a wide range of media including sculpture, painting, film, photography as well as sound, - with the quest to find a ‘Contemporary Sublime’ - and has a particular interest in Art, Science and the Environment.

Her practice often takes us to the thresholds of human experience, she tests our perception of natural and scientific realities. Neudecker often uses technology’s virtual capabilities in order to reproduce a heightened experience of landscapes; for her, technology both enables and limits our comprehension and exposure of the worlds we inhabit.

Neudecker is Professor of Fine Art at Bath School of Art, Film and Media; where she runs the research cluster “Material | Art | Science | Environment | Research” (M|A|S|E|R) jointly with Dr Ben Parry, a forum that addresses questions around overlapping developments in the Arts, Sciences and the Environment. She is a Guest Artists on the Arts at CERN Program, and exhibits her work widely around Europe as well as the rest of the world.

She is working with Thomas Rehbein Galerie, Cologne, InCamera Galerie, Paris and Galeria Pedro Cera, Lisbon.