Margarita Gluzberg
Title: Almost pink sphere
Year: 2023
Media: Color pencil on paper
Size: 36 x 26 cm
About the work: This work is part of a series that started in 2020. With drawings made in vintage pencils and acting as a kind of time machine, the project is ongoing and formed the basis of two recent exhibitions: Proper Time, Karsten Schubert, London, and Otherwhere, Alma Pearl Gallery, London, 2023
Bio: Margarita Gluzberg (b Moscow, lives and works in London) Gluzberg studied at Ruskin School of Art, Oxford University and Royal College of Art. She is currently Senior Lecturer at the Royal Academy Schools, London.
Her recent solo exhibitions include: Proper Time, Karsten Schubert, London, 2022; Otherwhere, Alma Pearl Gallery, London, 2023; and In Paradise, Pushkin House, London, 2019 – this series can currently be seen as part of Drawing the Unspeakable at Towner Eastbourne.
Title: Almost blue sphere 1980 mix
Year: 2023
Media: Color pencil on paper
Size: 36 x 26 cm