Madeleine Pledge
Title: Volatility (triple image)(red satin, October 2024
Year: 2024
Media: two laser copies (scan of '+/–' Balaclava after Rosemarie Trockel; scanned share service page from the Financial Times) on page from British Vogue, October 2024
Size: 21 x 28.5 cm
About the work: Works in the ongoing series volatility (triple image) consist of two photocopies printed over one another onto selected pages from editions of British Vogue. In these ‘triple exposures’, a balaclava (re-made in 2019 after Rosemarie Trockel) and stocks and shares pages from the Financial Times are manually manipulated across the surface of the copier to produce a seismic pattern of zigzags, overlaid as granular laser copy deposits onto the sheen of the fashion image. Parts of the image are obliterated, allowing colour and shape to re-emerge through the unprinted areas. Residues of the +/– pattern of the balaclava, as well as the rib knit of its eyehole, are visible in places where they have been momentarily static during the copying process.
Bio: Madeleine Pledge, b. 1993, UK, is an artist, artworker, and current member of the National Executive Committee of Artists’ Union England. She graduated with a BA from the Slade in 2016 and lives and works in London. Working with sculpture via replicas, remakes, and ‘shopping’, she often uses the surfaces and structures of fashion and design to approach systems of production and power. Her first work in the public realm, superstructure (public image), commissioned by Devonshire Collective, was on view as part of Eastbourne Alive in celebration of the Turner Prize from September 2023 – July 2024. In 2020, she was the recipient of a Henry Moore Foundation Artist Award grant, and was shortlisted for the Mark Tanner Sculpture Award in 2020 and 2024.