Lydia Ourahmane
Title: (31.5742943, 35.5550341)
Year: 2019
Media: Polaroid, Unique
Size: 10.8 cm x 8.5 cm
About the work: Polaroid taken in 2019 where the Jordan River meets the Dead Sea.
Bio: Lydia Ourahmane is an artist based in Barcelona, London and Algiers. Ourahmane has had recent solo exhibitions at MACBA, Barcelona, SculptureCentre, New York; rhizome, Algiers; Kunsthalle Basel, Switzerland; S.M.A.K Ghent; Portikus, Frankfurt; De Appel, Amsterdam; Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco and Chisenhale Gallery, London, among others. Her work was included in the 60th La Biennale di Venezia, 15th Gwangju Biennale, 34th Bienal de Sao Pãulo, New Museum Triennale and Manifesta 12.