Lucy Heyward
Title: Shutter
Year: 2018
Media: C-type Photograph, dry mounted on archival card
Size: 38.5 x 27.8 cm
About the work: ‘Shutter’ belongs to a series of photographic works that appear to be abstractions. In fact they are photographs of window shutters and blinds with light seeping through the gaps.
Bio: MA FA Goldsmiths CollegeSolo shows: Handel Street Projects 2015 and 2022-23, ArtSway, New Forest 2001 Centrespace, Dundee Contemporary Arts 1999, Gardener Centre, University of Sussex, Brighton 1992
Selected Group shows: The Feuilleton: I will Bear Witness, Piggy-backing from the Edicola, Spoleto and Museum of Contemporary Art, Rome 2021, National Museum of Montenegro 2021, Blow Up 1: Experiments in Photography, Laure Genillard Gallery, London 2020, A Concentration of Power, Joost van den Bergh Gallery, London 2018-19, Dialogues with a Collection, Laure Genillard Gallery 2018, La Por (Fear) VIII Biennal de Jafre, Spain 2017, Super Farmers’ Market, Handel Street Projects 2010