Laura Gannon
Title: Hyperdream
Year: 2024
Media: Watercolour on watercolour paper
Size: 38 x 28 cm
About the work: Hyperdream is a watercolour painting, made from multiple layers of paint, using various types of watercolour finishes including iridescent and luster finishes creating a surface of radiance and luminosity. Hyperdream is named after a novel by Hélène Cixous. The language and concepts of books that I read when painting penetrate the works, making them both abstract and present to the world around them.
Bio: Lives and works in London and County Cork. Represented by Kate MacGarry. Gannon's work oscillates between drawing, sculpture, painting, and film. Recent works include abstract paintings made with metallic ink on linen. The linen has been subjected to multiple processes to reveal its corporeality: folding, bending, wrinkling, suggesting their raw physicality and directness. Gannon's films mark a parallel to her sculptural paintings with their articulation of temporality, light, space and the act of looking, intimate portraits of distinctive architectural buildings.