Juliette Blightman
Title: 7th October
Year: 2024
Media: Gouache on paper
Size: 29 x 21 cm
Bio: Blightman’s oeuvre is rooted within the poetics of everyday life but from within that space, the works gently interrogate questions around the physical and mental spaces that social structures have constructed for the gendered subject. Her artworks refuse a prescribed formula and use several different mediums, not assigning more value to any one. Her work asks: what is it to be present in the world, and what traces do we leave for others around us. Blightman has exhibited widely at a number of institutions both as a solo artist or in collaboration with other artists, including Lafayette Anticipations (2023), Haus am Waldsee (2023), Vleeshal (2021), Kölnischer Kunstverein (2020), Western Front, Vancouver (2018), Kunsthalle Bern (2016), South London Gallery (2016) and Badischer Kunstverein (2015).