Julie Brook

Title: Firestack, Autumn Aird Bheag, Hebrides

Year: 2016

Media: Photographic Print on paper Edition 4/50 2023

Size: 50 x 80 cm

About the work: The tension between Fire and Water in the Firestack acts as a visual catalyst, inviting us to watch the tides as they are hovered by the moon’s gravitational pull. Wind is expressed by the quality and direction of the flames and the intensity of the fire. Anticipation slowly builds as the tides rise and when powerful waves crash against the stacks.

Bio: Julie Brook is a British landscape artist based in NW Scotland who makes large scale sculptural works that respond to the environments she has explored. These include the deserts of Libya and NW Namibia; The isle of Hoy in Orkney, the island of Mingulay in the Outer Hebrides, the uninhabited west coast of the Isle of Jura. In the last decade she has been making works in stone and marble quarries in Japan and Carrara, Italy as well as on a remote coastline in Hebrides. In 203/24 she had major solo exhibitions at Abbot Hall, Kendal; Komatsu City Museum, Japan; Pangolin, London at King’s Place.