Jacqueline Utley
Title: Holding Flight Wings
Year: 2022
Media: Pencil and Watercolour on Arches acid free paper
Size: 26 x 36 cm
Bio: Jacqueline Utley lives and works in London and has a BA (Hons) in Painting from Chelsea School of Art (1986-89); MA in Drawing from Camberwell College of Arts (2006-08). Her practice spans painting, drawing and collaborative practice-based research projects.
Recent exhibitions and projects include Mirror Flower Mother, (solo) Niru Ratnam Gallery (2024), projects include Obscure Secure which began in 2014 to challenge the lack of visibility of women artists in public collections. In 2022 Obscure Secure (Jacqueline Utley and Hayley Field) worked with and in residence at Towner Eastbourne to share their research processes through workshops and events.