Howard Eaglestone
Title: Innocent Light Minded
Year: 2014
Media: Oil on canvas
Size: 26 x 33 x 3 cms
About the work: My paintings are 'representational' and this painting is a contemplation on representation. The three words on the painting are extracted from a translation of Plato's Timaeus: 'Innocent light-minded men .... will become birds'. (p.161. Bertrand Russell. History of Western Philosophy. Unwin University books.)
Bio: Howard Eaglestone. Born: 1949
Occupation: Painter.
For many years I was Head of Painting on the BA Hons Fine art & Art &Design at Bradford College.
For 6 Years (c.2011 -2017) I was visiting Professor on the MA Painting course at the University of the Basque Country, Bilbao.
Leeds Art Gallery have one of my paintings in their collection.