Haroun Hayward
Title: Untitled (Mughal Daggers)
Year: 2023
Media: Watercolour and graphite on paper
Size: 21 x 14.8 cm
Bio: Haroun Hayward (b. 1983, London, UK) received a BA (Hons) in Fine Art Painting from University of Brighton and an MA in Fine Art Practice from Goldsmiths University, London. Hayward's paintings are a celebration of hybridity, harmoniously converging art historical and musical references with distinct modes of making. The paintings honour what informs Hayward's personal and artistic narrative — rave culture, abstract expressionism, post war British landscape painting and his mother's textile collection. Hayward's debut solo exhibition at Hales London opened in 2023, and Hales New York in 2024. His work is in the collections of the Gujral Foundation, India; Kiran Nadar Collection, India and Arun Nayar Collection, UK among others.