Haroon Mirza
Title: Ceasefire Algorithm (Solar Powered LED Circuit 49)
Year: 2024
Media: Aluminium tape, copper tape , Echinopsis Peruviana, electrical components, gold leaf, LED’s, magnet wire, PCBs, pigments, polyurethane resin, silicone, Ulexite on photovoltaic panel
Size: 172 x 113.5 x 3 cm
Bio: Haroon Mirza has won international acclaim for installations that test the interplay and friction between sound and light waves and electric current. An advocate of interference (in the sense of electro-acoustic or radio disruption), he creates situations that purposefully cross wires. He describes his role as a composer, manipulating electricity, a live, invisible and volatile phenomenon, to make it dance to a different tune and calling on instruments as varied as household electronics, vinyl and turntables, LEDs, furniture, video footage and existing artworks to behave differently. Processes are left exposed and sounds occupy space in an unruly way, testing codes of conduct and charging the atmosphere. Mirza asks us to reconsider the perceptual distinctions between noise, sound and music, and draws into question the categorisation of cultural forms.