Georgina Starr
Title: Voices in Palestine
Year: 2008
Media: 12" vinyl record (Duration: 27mins) with painted cover artwork (Unique)
Size: 31cm x 31cm x1cm
About the work: The vinyl record holds a series of audio field recordings I made in Palestine during 2008. The cover artwork is a retablo-style painting illustrating one of the stories from my travels.
Bio: Georgina Starr (b.1968) is a British artist making large-scale installations with video, sound, sculpture, drawing, text and performance. Her works follow complex and fragile emotional narratives that explore the female body and voice, identity, history and fiction to create multi-layered theatrical events. Described as: “magically complex works that challenge the viewer to re-examine the self, the unconscious and its ever-morphing biographies through a glittering and melancholic theatre of memory, mythology and fiction.” Starr’s artworks have featured in many exhibitions both in the UK and internationally over the last 30 years, including Tate Britain, Museum of Modern Art New York, Kunsthalle Zurich, Museum of Contemporary Art Sydney, Venice Biennale and Glasgow International.