Francisco Rodriguez
Title: Untitled
Year: 2024
Media: Pencil on paper
Size: 21 x 29.7 cms
Bio: Francisco Rodríguez (b. 1989, Santiago, Chile) lives and works in London. He holds a BFA in Painting from Universidad de Chile, Santiago and graduated with an MFA from the Slade School of Fine Arts in 2018.
The world that Francisco Rodriguez paints is one of magical realism, a hybrid of the fantastical and the everyday. His visual language references that of film and comics, creating a storyboard of compositions and inviting the viewer to explore the potential narrative links between them. In doing so the audience is rendered complicit, both participant and outsider, insomniac voyeur awaiting the next act.
Recent solo exhibitions include The Day of the Night - Art Basel, White Space Gallery, 2024; The Weight of the Night, Cooke Latham Gallery, London, 2023; The City and the Dogs, White Space, China 2022; The Silence that Lives in Houses, Cooke Latham Gallery 2021, London; Cuaderno Canario, Galeria Leyendecker, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain 2020; In the night we believe, Chapter Gallery, Cardiff 2020; Midday Demon, Steve Turner Gallery, Los Angeles 2019; The Burning Plain, Cooke Latham Gallery, London 2018 and a solo exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Santiago 2018.