Eva Rothschild RA
Title: Exile (red)
Year: 2024
Media: resin plaster, paint
Size: 35.5 x 26.5 x 1.5 cm
Bio: Eva Rothschild was born in Dublin, Ireland, 1971 and currently lives and works in London.
She studied BA Hons Fine Art at the University of Ulster, Belfast, and has an MA in Fine Art from Goldsmiths College, London.
Since 2014, Rothschild is an elected RA, Royal Academy of Arts, London and was made Professor of Sculpture at the Royal Academy schools in 2024.
Rothschild has a materials based studio practice and works on major public and outdoor commissions. Her work is predominantly sculptural and she works across a range of materials including plaster, leather, clay, fabric and perspex.
Title: Excile (lilac)
Year: 2024
Media: resin plaster, paint
Size: 35.5 x 26.5 x 1 cm