Esmé Clutterbuck
Title: Shoreline
Year: 2023
Media: Bideford black and earth pigments on watercolour paper
Size: 29.7 x 21 cm
About the work: This drawing is part of a large series made with Bideford Black and other earth pigments sourced near water in North Devon and Bristol. I love the idea that our universe is essentially unstable: that substances are mutable, and that our bodies whilst new in human terms actually contain atoms that are billions of years old. The drawings celebrate, pattern, the geometric, repetition and ritual. There is joy in the purely optical. They also suggest the scientific: cell formations, planets, solar systems, the cycles of life and the female body, generation and growth.
Bio: Esmé works with drawing, print and photography. She trained at Portsmouth Polytechnic, Central St Martin’s and the Royal Academy Schools. She has had solo, group and mixed exhibitions and completed residencies in Britain and abroad. Esmé is a member of BV Studios Bristol and a sometime member of Spike print. She has shown in numerous Open Exhibitions including the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, RWA Photo Open, Woolwich Print Open, International Print Biennale and The Discerning Eye (Drawing Bursary, finalist). She has been a visiting lecturer and tutor at numerous colleges and universities.