Elias and Yousef Anastas
Title: Stone Matters objects, Tabouret
Year: 2024
Media: Palestine limestone
Size: 45 x 45 x 45 cm
About the work: Tabouret is a project that stems from Stone Matters, an architectural exploration of integration of structural stone in the language of contemporary architecture .
Tabouret consists of three voussoirs whose interfaces describe a stereotomic assembly, a technique used in vaulting for stone ashlars within a larger configuration.
Bio: We (Elias and Yousef) are partners at AAU ANASTAS architects, co-founders of Local Industries, co-founders of Radio alHara and co-founders of The Wonder Cabinet.
The studio focuses on tying links between crafts and architecture at scales that vary from furniture design to territorial explorations. The studio has been advocating for a contemporary use of structural stone in architecture in Palestine and elsewhere. We have been particularly interested in the politics of stone use for low carbon footprint structures, more resilient cities and more responsible quarries’ exploitation.
We have co-founded Radio alHara, a community based online radio that weaves unconventional nets of solidarities through sonic experiences. Linking hyper contextual conditions that are different a priori to create a new strengthened global critical discourse has been at the intersection of all of our practices.
Most recently we have launched the Wonder Cabinet, a space-based initiative in Bethlehem for cultural productions that gathers a community of artisans and artists, technical and artistic realms in the aim of producing a culture of global provincialism.