Douglas White
Title: Lichtenberg Drawing
Year: 2024
Media: 10,000 Volts on Valchromat
Size: 29 x 16 cm
About the work: Douglas White's Lichtenberg Drawings are created by passing 10,000 Volts of electrical charge through an insulating base. In nature, this fracturing effect, known as arborescence, can be seen at the site of a lightning strike. The series began after White saw an image of a man who had been struck by lightning, his back displaying capillaries ruptured into a Lichtenberg figure, a thing of brutal beauty.
Bio: Douglas White ((b. 1977, UK) is known for his transformative sculptures and installations that explore themes of nature, decay, and rebirth. White’s practice is driven by a fascination with discarded materials and organic forms, turning found objects into thought-provoking works. His art often emphasizes the delicate balance between human intervention and the natural world. White graduated from the Ruskin School of Art (2000) and Royal College of Art (2005), and has exhibited throughout the world.