David Ward
Title: Bird in Hands
Year: 2024
Media: Archival print on Hahnemühle paper. Unique print. (with Hahnemühle certificate of authenticity)
Size: 29.5 x 35.5 cm
About the work: I am making work on the significance of touch and the hand. Here is an Emily Dickinson quote that feels appropriate to accompany Bird in Hands, the work I am donating:
“This world is just a little place, just the red in the sky, before the sun rises, so let us keep fast hold of hands, that when the birds begin, none of us be missing.”
(From a letter by Emily Dickinson to Frances and Louise Norcross.)
Bio: David Ward is an artist working in a range of media including light, photography and performance. He is also known for his collaborations with choreographers, composers, architects and other artists. The dynamics of light are central to his work, together with elemental themes of the natural world relating to contemporary and historical references and associations. He writes, curates exhibitions and has made permanent and temporary works in the public realm.