David Batchelor
Title: Collage for Palestine
Year: 2024
Media: Spray paint on paper on paper
Size: 41 x 28 cm
About the work: Over the last year I have been making a series of collages using spray paint and torn and cut paper. These are mostly exercises in colour and balance. They derive from a series of spray painted concrete sculptures, which themselves derive from an earlier series of concrete sculptures titled Concretos. When I was invited to make a work for this fundraiser, it occurred to me I could make a collage that used the approximate colours of the Palestinian flag. I have never previously used colours in an overtly symbolic way, but I am very happy to make an exception for this cause.
Bio: David Batchelor is a London-based artist and writer.
For over thirty years Batchelor has been concerned with the experience of colour within a modern urban environment, and with historical conceptions of colour in Western culture. His work comprises sculpture, installation, drawing, painting, photography and animation. He has exhibited widely in the UK, continental Europe, the Americas and, more recently, the Middle East and Asia. Batchelor has also written a number of books and essays on colour theory, including Chromophobia (2000).