Bharti Kher
Title: Weather drawings: quicksilver
Year: 2023
Media: ink, pencil, bindis, acrylic on paper
Size: 42 x 29.7 cm
About the work: From a series of drawings that mark and plot an investigation into the artist’s interpretation and desire for mimesis — an attempt to create a synergy of external reality and a vital internal force.
Bio: Bharti Kher was born in 1969. Her work encompasses painting, sculpture and installation, often incorporating found materials, using them to transform objects and dissolve the distinction between two and three dimensions. Sculptures she has made since the mid-2000s combine animal with the human body to create hybrid female figures which confront the viewer with a compelling mixture of sexuality and potential. In parallel , her bindi ‘paintings’ and drawings are abstract, summoning shape and energies together from and around the the body.