Adham Faramawy

Title: Pomona (a fruitful abundance)

Year: 2018

Media: Photocollage, unique artist proof

Size: 21 x 29.5cm

Bio: Adham Faramawy works across media including moving image, sculptural installation, photography, painting and wall-based works to engage with concerns about materiality, touch, and toxic embodiment to question ideas of the natural in relation to marginalised communities. Here Adham offers works from a series of photocollages thinking about depiction and legibility, rooted in images of abundance, of fruits that grow in the Levant and North Africa, and of a dance celebrating the Nile River.

Title: Tamr (sticky and sweet)

Year: 2018

Media: Photocollage, unique artist proof

Size: 21 x 29.5 cm

Title: Daughters of the River

Year: 2024

Media: Photocollage, unique artist proof

Size: 21 x 29.5 cm