Abigail Reynolds
Title: Lost Libraries
Year: 2018
Media: Digital print on photo gloss (Unique).
Size: 21 x 29.7 cm
About The work: ‘When I reach home, I post my rolls of film to the lab for processing. Weeks later, I finally see what I have captured of the lost libraries, and I am surprised to find that the last little frame on each roll has a hole punched straight through it, like the pupil of an eye. It’s a sync mark for the editor to feel the final frame of film in the darkness. It’s a sync hole.’ This still is the final frame of 16 film from Kokand. The quote above is transcribed from the artists film ‘Lost Libraries’ which describes her journey along the Silk Road to the sites of former great libraries.
Bio: Abigail Reynolds lives in St Just, Cornwall, and has a studio at Porthmeor in St Ives. She studied English Literature at St Catherine's College Oxford University and subsequently Fine Art at MA level at Goldsmiths College, University of London. Over 2021-22 Reynolds exhibited across all four cities of the British Art Show 9 tour. In March 2016 Reynolds was awarded the BMW Art Journey prize at Art Basel, to travel to lost libraries along the Silk Road. Her book 'Lost Libraries' documenting this journey was published by Hatje Cantz in 2018.